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2016-02-10 17:30:45      点击:

        继昨天在12米波通到瑞士和德国以后,知道每天的下午17:00左右12米波的传播会出现,于是过来扫了一下,发现有个很强的信号在24.940MHz,听到前面是V U以为是欧洲的,辨别了很久也没听出到底是谁,不过很多HAM在追她,为了不丢失这个机会,我就抓紧她呼叫的间隙发了自己的呼号过去,依旧是5瓦的功率,结果一呼就得到了应答,看来我的蛛网果然不是盖的,全向7dbi的增益不是盖的。对方给了我57的信号报告,还是很不错的,而且他抄我的呼号一次抄清了,证明语音质量确实很好了。





I have about 30 years of experience in the field of Amateur Radio operations (also known as Ham Radio) covering the areas of administration, conducting dx-peditions, training and demonstrations, establishing Amateur radio Stations, liasion with government departments etc.

The Amateur Radio which started as a hobby turned to be a passion. It's almost 30 years since I started operating Radio. On an average I have more than five lakh contacts to my logbook during these two decades with Amateur Radio.

I had the opportunity to work with Andhra Pradesh Amateur Radio Society in 1980 and later National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR a premier institution in promoting Amateur Radio activities in India) as a founder member since its inception in 1985 (website is www.niar.org).

I am a active ham operator from Delhi and is in constant touch with Indian Hams & Dx Hams in all